Sunday, April 28, 2024

Next Show : Sukob (CRO), Koridor (CRO), Rolltreppe (Vienna) @ Einbaumöbel

15.05.2024 Hardcore For The Losers show : SUKOB (Hardcore > Punk > Zagreb)
Musically we could place them somewhere along the spectrum of early sharp & punishing Pig Champion's rapid fire riffage and fist-pumping Scandinavian hardcore with hints of Celtic Frost-ish midtempo drives.
KORIDOR (Post Punk > Zagreb)
Hypnotic and repetitive feedback driven post-punk influenced by the 80s ex-Yu punk scene.
ROLLTREPPE ~ RELEASE SHOW ~ (Post Punk > Vienna)
Decidedly a punk band, with a raw, shambolic energy in step with any number of German-language, femme-centered DIY classics from a time well before now—GLUEAMS, HANS-A-PLAST, A-GEN 53 etc.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Next Show : Raein (IT), Loser Year (Linz), Love Embassy (Vienna) @ Rhiz

27.04.24 Hardcore For The Losers show :
After 9 years and a sold-out concert in Venster99, the legendary super screamo power RAEIN are back in Vienna. Definitely one of the classics of Italian hardcore/punk . For the all fans of the archetypal screamo sound popularized by Gravity Records in the late '90s and I can't get over it that the Orchid, Saetia and pg99 era is over.
Support by Linz Vienna connection : LOSER YEAR and LOVE EMBASSY
up the eviolence punx

Monday, April 1, 2024

NEW LOCATION : Next Show : Viva Belgrado (ES), Yarostan (FR), ARGON (Vienna) @ DAS Lot

10.04.2024 ACHTUNG ACHTUNG. New Location @ DAS Lot
Hardcore For The Losers show :
We bring skramz at Das Lot big way. I'm happy to have released 2 bands from this lineup and luckily it coincided that Yarostan and Viva Belgrado need the same date for Vienna.
♧ VIVA BELGRADO (Córdoba, Andalusia) "Viva Belgrado are a four-piece screamo/post-hardcore/post-rock band from Córdoba, Spain that began in 2012. Sonically, they play heavily into their post-rock influences, with melodic, delayed guitars slathered in reverb and tons of tremolo picking. In quieter moments, they also incorporate some spoken word. When the songs build up, they hit their screamo peaks, with throat-searing vocals and powerful instrumentals. They slightly eschew their screamo roots for a cleaner sound, with a mix of singing and sing-speaking taken the forefront. There's some clear La Dispute influence here, especially with the vocal flows and post-hardcore instrumental leanings. This band crafts some absolutely beautiful songs, and are a prime example of how emotion can transcend language." by : sophiesfloorboard
◇ YAROSTAN (Marseille, France) "The name Yarostan comes from the epistolary novel Letters of Insurgents, published in 1976 as a collective work of Fredy and Lorraine Perlman. In this beautiful and revolutionary inspiring collection, Yarostan Vochek and Sophia Nachalo are one-time lovers in an unnamed Eastern Bloc country who later find themselves on opposite sides of the Iron Curtain. Sharing anarchist ideals and lives in revolt, they start corresponding in pursuit of an insurgent path to liberation. [The band] Yarostan’s lyrics in French conceptualize on Perlman’s and other XX century to modern day anti-authoritarian philosophical leanings, creating a passionate, diverse and dynamic post-hardcore record with a deeply meaningful message. The five perplexing and long-winded pieces build, release and explode with a dazzling amalgamation of calming melody and chaos, as it works well for the genre.Today, screamo and post-hardcore acts with a heavy or underlying emphasis on post-rock elements are favored by many music publications going in lengths about each individual track on their records and how they relate to snobby genre standards. In the case of an obscure and outspokenly political band like Yarostan, it is rather unlikely to be featured in any bigger media, but this particular style of music is the perfect emotional response applicable to their passionate poetry and influences. " by : diyconspiracy
♡ ARGON (Vienna, Luxembourg) Under the band name ‘Argon’, Dave, Jeremi and Sam have been working on an individualised hardcore, screamo style, mingled with elements of post-rock, ambient and experimental sounds inspired by the beauty of nature and folklore