Saturday, March 14, 2020

HC4L059 OUT of PHASE/KALT - Split tape (2020)

On their second EP, Out of Phase keep to their furious crust-/grind-/sludge-base whilst turning to a darker and even more twisted sound. 7 songs about loss, the society of the spectacle and trying not to completely lose sense in this world.

KALT could be labelled the evil twin of the screamo band KŸHL (, featuring their former singer Saerch on drums and drummer Hans on guitar, both sharing vocal duties. Within a few days prior to their first gig in Krakow (where they were supposed to play with KŸHL), the two put together 30 minutes of screams, desperation, fury, melancholy - a meditation about living, loving and dying.
This thing was recorded on one of their few shows.

Black cassettes in handfolded cardboard with lyric sheet

Co-released w/
Hardcore For The Losers
Trace in Maze Records

Pay as you wish!

Monday, March 2, 2020

Cancelled Shows/Corona Virus. List will be updated.

Cancelled : 

03.03.20 Moskwa, Dim Prospects, The Obsessions @ Venster99
23.03.20 Foreseen, Game, Dregs @ Venster99 
31.03.20 Implement, Frisk, Parasite Dreams @ Venster99
05.04.20 U.B.T. , Røst @ Einbaumöbel 
11.04.20 Apsurd, Indikator B, The Celetoids, Neon Lies, Good Cop @ Venster99
14.04.20 Montagne, Amer, Phantom Pain Dogma @ Venster99
09.05.20 Cemented Minds, Sektstress!, Youth @ Einbaumöbel
12.05.20 Pakt, Cold Brats, Lebenslauf, Rolltreppe @ Venster99
28.05.20 Vacation, Lidské Zdroje @ Venster99
04.06.20 Firewalker, Parole 80, Dregs @ Venster99
23.06.20 Amygdala, Argon @ Venster99
07.09.20 Initiate, Dare, Tigerwizard @ Venster99