Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Friday, September 16, 2022

Next Show : Bad Breeding (UK), Demenzia Kolektiva (Vienna), Bad Weed (Vienna) @ Venster99

20.09.22 Hardcore For The Losers show :
BAD BREEDING (Iron Lung Records, Stevenage, UK)
Bad Breeding, the Stevenage-based hardcore-punk foursome, call for solidarity in their fourth album ‘Human Capital’, a pointed and brutal display of aggression steeped in political awareness, out on July 8th via One Little Independent Records and Iron Lung Records in the US. Across twelve merciless tracks they attack Conservative meritocracy and the exploitative forces of late capitalism with a cacophony of blistering guitars and thunderous drums played with an intensity that refuses to abate.
DEMENZIA KOLEKTIVA (Twisted Chords, Vienna)
BAD WEED (Siluh Records, Vienna)

Monday, September 5, 2022

Next Show : Big Babe (SWE), The Great Escape (Linz), Inhale (Vienna) @ Venster99

15.09.22 Hardcore For The Losers show :
BIG BABE (Crime City Hardcore - Malmö, Sweden)
THE GREAT ESCAPE (Steel City Hardcore - Linz)
INHALE (New Punk band from Vienna City)