Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Next Show : BIB (US) , Monokay (Vienna), Forlorn (Vienna) @ Chelsea

11.07.2024 Hardcore For The Losers show:
BIB (Omaha, Nebraska)
Like the inhabitants of most mid-sized midwestern cities, the people of Omaha are often characterised as being hardworking, fresh and wholesome. Good folk. But there’s nothing wholesome about Bib, a hardcore band who many Omaha locals feel should remain in the basement of that sketchy punk house down the street.
This is noisey, blown out hardcore that some have compared to Hoax and Pissed Jeans. It ain't pretty and it ain't nice.
After the sold-out show at Venster99 last year, they are coming with fresh new LP Biblical released by Quality Control.
MONOKAY (Vienna)
Mosh the Drug, dive the Church hardcore from Vienna. A new force from Vienna. Windmill guaranteed.
FORLORN (Vienna)
Metal and hardcore as an experiment of a dangerous laboratory that wants to destroy the last forces of goodness on earth. Badass people from Vienna.
All ages show
No Presale but Stagedives

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